New office manager – Victoria
We have another new member of the team, Victoria, our Office Manager aka the voice of Blue Jelly. With this in mind, its only right, we get to know her better.
Name: Victoria Fairbrother
Job role: Office Manager
Tea or coffee: Coffee
Dogs or cats: Dogs
Favourite job you have worked on: Not my department
Favourite element of your role: Getting to work with everyone! 😊
Favourite TV show/film: Pearl Harbour
We are excited to have her on board and looking forward to working with her
Our Core Values are what make us Blue Jelly.
We are Ambitious
Highly driven, forward thinkers who won’t shy away from a challenge. Bringing big ideas to the table and making them a reality. Always striving to be the best that we can be.
See more at www.bluejelly.net
#WeAreAmbitious #PlacesWherePeopleWantToWork #WorkplaceDesignandBuild #ThinkBigger